Consider This…It’s Holy Week
Today’s blog is about Holy week and since today is Palm Sunday, the start of Holy week, I will post Tuesday’s blog today. Today is the first day of Holy week. It is the week before the end of Lent and the most important part of Lent. Holy week is the last week of the …
STAR WARS BATTLEFRONT – Live Action Trailer (starring Anna Kendrick)
Church Parking Lot Road Rage
for KING + COUNTRY – God Only Knows (Official Music Video)
Consider This…
2 Grace and peace to you from God the Father and the Lord Jesus Christ. 2 Thessalonians 2 Disclaimer: This is a blog of my opinion and is not a reflection of the Christian Gaming community. My girlfriend watches a lot of Fox news which I don’t mind but I have noticed that the tone of …
COPLAND: Hoe-Down from Rodeo | CYSO’s Symphony Orchestra
And now time for something a classical
John Crist on Selective Outrage
Lauren Daigle – O’ Lord
Consider This…
2 Grace and peace to you from God the Father and the Lord Jesus Christ. 2 Thessalonians 2 It is the season of Lent a time where Christian develop a closer walk with Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior this year, 2024, the beginning of Lent started on February 14th which is also known as Ash …