Consider This…

Every Sunday the Christian Gaming Community has a Prayer meeting followed by reading a chapter of scripture out of the bible. Many of the CGC members come to this because we all need prayer and are fed the Word of God. We gathered as gamers initially but soon real life overwhelmed our digital play time …

Consider This…

Our Christian Gaming Community is not unique it may be one of the oldest but not unique. Our website is definitely different from other Christian Gaming communities in that we take time to blog every week about the Word of God so that we may share it with the rest of the intranet populace. I …

Consider This…

2 Grace and peace to you from God the Father and the Lord Jesus Christ. 2 Thessalonians 2 In our gaming community there are many people from many aspects of the Christian faith we have Catholics, Methodists, and Baptists just to name a few and most follow the season of Lenten. Below is probably the most …