2 Grace and peace to you from God the Father and the Lord Jesus Christ. 2 Thessalonians 2
We are a Christian gaming community that has prayer meetings every Sunday. We are able to do this through an application called “Discord”. Simply put it is an internet chat room just for our community. We can gather in this room and talk to one another and pray without fear of being harassed by seculars that do not understand the Christian faith and the best part is that it is free.
This application has a feature that allows members to post things about the Christian faith or even scripture that we may find helpful in our everyday lives. Last week I found that a couple of our members and posted in our Discord these inspiring and uplifting scriptures and comments that I just had to share.
Just FYI the names above the posts are their gamer names that they choose for themselves.
What is faith? Genesis 17:19 But God replied, “Your wife Sarah will indeed bear you a son, and you are to name him Isaac. I will establish my covenant with him as an everlasting covenant for his descendants after him. & Genesis 22:5 And Abraham said unto his young men, Abide ye here with the ass; and I and the lad will go yonder and worship, and come again to you. (“The lad and I will go up and return again”) I’m sure he didn’t know exactly how it would go down, but he believed God enough to follow him 100 years in the unknown, he believed his promise that his son would go on to fulfill God’s will.
Virgil Caine
“There is no such thing as knowledge there are only degrees of faith.” This is actually something that science discovers. Everything we “Know” depends on the veracity of our measuring devices. It is written “The just shall live by faith” for this very reason. The just understand that everything is faith. It is the unjust who claim absolute knowledge at least insofar as humanity is concerned. Even. Jesus admitted his ignorance on some things
True, he said the father reserves some things for himself. He is the author of this story after all, we all play our parts in the timeline….some to honor and some to dishonor. Contributing only what we choose to believe, the rest is in his hands.
Once we get past the struggle letting go of this world, the ride even on bumpy roads isn’t a concern anymore. (Matthew 6 promises)
But wait there’s more…
(Proverbs 14:12) – I guess for those who would hear my council on the matter, whatever that may be worth in this world….what we have to ask ourselves, “is what we do to entertain ourselves or Christ when we put His name to something?” As I read these lyrics, I can only find a message that would appeal to someone of this world on their terms, to entertain a worldly mind, now that may come off as harsh, but so did Paul at the time when he rebuked Peter openly (Galatians 2:11-21). At one time Elvis was controversial in the way he moved on stage, parents tried to hide their kids eyes from it, today what he did doesn’t seem so controversial in today’s mindset because that line was crossed long ago, and a new one gets crossed everyday creating a new one for the next day to be crossed….take care everyone, what you may find wretched today, after turning a blind eye to the leven of the world you might be doing yourself and defending tomorrow. I guess my point is, bring the message of Christ to the world on his terms, so we who are set apart from it and its ways (Jeremiah 10:2) and show them the good news so that people can see the difference in how we act, not in self-righteous arrogance because it’s God thats good and not us, but by all means appeal to them on a loving level, relate to people in joy, goodness, Holiness and all the fruit of the Spirit, so they can know the love and salvation without resorting to the flesh. You don’t toss a bucket of water to a drowning victim; you give them a means to rise above it (life preserver) lol I hope I made sense to everyone, but modern ways of contemporary churches I’d avoid, they let too much of the world into their ways to appeal to the emotion instead of the Spirit, seek God first and the rest will be added to you
I love that last line “seek God first and the rest will be added to you”. Wonderful words of encouragement
One more…
Walking with the Lord daily I talk to him about everything, but also fuss about a number of things too. There are things no longer available to me in life, nor am I capable to do a lot of things I used too, so life has its frustrating moments adapting to new circumstances. But in his patience and wisdom, always being there for us answers always come, not always as one would expect but a heart humbly open to receive wisdom and grace from the Holy Spirit in where I may ever be led to learn and receive understanding I take as a great blessing. Praying always that my heart learns to love and cherish every piece of bread from my Master’s table and that I may learn to take it worthily and share with other.
The Christian Gaming Community is a great community of Christians. There are not a lot of people but we have great Christians here as one can tell from the above posts. In my opinion I believe that all Christians should be uplifting to each other. Let the seculars talk down to people in this fashion we will know who are Christians and who are not.
16 For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. John 3:16
God bless all that read this with His love, light, grace, mercy, and wisdom. In the name of Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior. Amen.