Consider This…

I am a fan of Paul and his writings not only does he have the wisdom given to him by the Holy Trinity but he always opens his letters with blessing to those that he is writing to with grace and peace. So I have adopted the same greeting to all of our readers. 2 Grace …

Consider This…

I was recently handed a small booklet that was titled “Accept” which aroused my curiosity. It was handed to me by my girlfriend’s sister-in-law who is presently in alcoholics anonymous. After reading this small booklet and much deliberation I decided to blog about this…then the blog went down a different road. I started with the …

Consider This…

2 Grace and peace to you from God the Father and the Lord Jesus Christ. 2 Thessalonians 2 A few weeks ago my girlfriend and I, were talking as we always do, and she told me of how one of her friends debated with some non-believers on face book about the Christian faith. My girlfriend explained …